Win the Day #1 | Flip the Script

Today, we start 7 weeks built around Win The Day… our Rock Group Book Study.

The topic is great, but the connections are what matter most. Connecting with your Rock Groups. Relationships are SO vital…You will become like the people you hang around. There is intentionality in relationships.

What has been the story of your life? What will be story of your life?

Your story is written in your days. Today is the only day we have.

Actually, this moment is all we have.

If you win enough days. You win in life.

Matthew 6:11 Give us this day our daily bread.

Look to heaven for what you need for today. It takes more bread today than ever to thrive. Remember in the Bible when Manna was given one day at a time?

Lamentations 3:22 The LORD’S  lovingkindnesses  indeed never cease,  For His compassions never fail.

Lamentations 3:23 They are new  every morning; Great is  Your faithfulness.

His mercies are new every morning. We have the ability to have a fresh start every morning. If you miss a day, it’s OK. Just don’t miss two in a row!

2 Corinthians 6:1 And  working together with Him, we also urge you not to receive  the grace of God in vain —


Now is the acceptable time. There is grace for today.

Matthew 6:34 So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will  care for itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Worry is often built out of anxiety over what might happen… And often the things we worry about don’t even happen.

Psalms 118:24 This is the day which the LORD has made; Let us  rejoice and be glad in it

Rejoice and be glad for today. Locate the good in your life today. Today is the day… If you can own the idea that today is the only day you actually have.

  • Pray today
  • Read your Bible today
  • Hug your spouse today
  • Speak lovingly to your kids today
  • Exercise for a few minutes today

String a bunch of those days together and things start going in the right direction for you.

Seeds sown today are only thing we can control. You have to buy into the idea of sowing and reaping, though.

Galatians 6:7  Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.

A great life learns how to handle:

  • Yesterday 
  • Today
  • Tomorrow 

We all have a history we need to learn to process well… and a future we want to be involved in creating.

Some of our history is painful and some of our history Is great.

We can’t keep making decisions about our future entirely based on protecting ourselves from the pain of the past.

Not every man/woman is evil. Not every church is bad. Not every business partner will take advantage of you.

The future is uncertain on one level… but can be created on another level.

You have to Flip the Script.

What has been the story of your life

What will be the story of your life?

What script are you living by?

What game are you playing?

The game I’m playing now:

  • Faith 
  • Family
  • Flexibility 
  • Freedom
  • Finances
  • Fun
  • Fitness 

Pursuing and pleasing God… Learning & growing as a person… Being a contributor and not just a consumer.

What are the values that shape what your idea of success really is?

Don’t live by others’ script. 

Out of the script you are living by… What story are you telling to yourself and others?

Your explanation is more important than your experience 

  • Mark Batterson

What story are you telling yourself? Your mess can become your message.

Your test can become your testimony. Your story is your best ally.

You can argue the theology of healing with me… But you can’t take my healing story away from me.

You can argue the theology of tithe with me… But you can’t take my story of blessing away from me.

You can argue church planting with me… Or how church should be happening. But Suzette & I started a church that has thrived for over 30 years.

Faith is connecting the dots between past tense Providence and present tense circumstance.

Getting Israel out of Egypt was way easier than getting Egypt out of Israel.

Remember wrong and the story is wrong. A new name rewrites the story. 

Your identity will catch up with new reality, eventually. 

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if anyone is  in Christ,  he is  a new creature;  the old things passed away; behold, new things have come

What God says about you must become your signature story. Know who you are and what you have in Christ.

False humility is thinking of yourself as anything less than who God says you are and it’s just as destructive as pride.

Joshua and Caleb told the story very differently than the others when the spies went in.

Remember things the right way: God’s way.

Joshua 5:9 Then the LORD said to Joshua, “Today I have rolled away  the reproach of Egypt from you.

Joseph endured an entirely dysfunctional family life. When Joseph told the story of his brother’s mistreatment of him, he flipped the script.

Genesis 50:20 “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about  this present result, to preserve many people alive.

Someone else may have told that story as an excuse for why things haven’t worked out for them. Faith is not just for the future. Faith is the way to look at the past as well. Rehearse a different story.

The stories we tell ourselves eventually become situations we find ourselves in.

When David faced Goliath, he had the story of defeating the bear and the lion previously. His test became the story of his testimony… David facing a giant.

You may be facing a giant right now. There are days that write your story and days that you defeat your giant. Or stand up to the bully.

For better or for worse each of us is born into someone else’s story.

The big picture is that we are all born into Jesus’ story.

Someone is born into our story. We are the answer to someone’s prayers,

someone’s faith. Your brave is someone else’s breakthrough.

You can break generational curses. Things that have been on your family forever.

What script do you choose to live by?

  • God’s script?
  • The World’s?
  • Your own?

Know who you are. Know what you have. Know what script you are choosing to live by.